If You Ever Have To Find Me....

Since I move quite often, it is hard to keep track of me, and I felt it might help if I write where I am (and will be). In fact, this helps me....

In 2000, we moved again! We are now in Brockton, MA, the birthplace of Rocky Marciano. This is the fifth summer I moved but at least, the move wasn't far. As far as I know, we are not moving in 2001! I do however have a new e-mail address, as of May 2003; still good in October 2007; still good in July 2009

E-Mail (private) picture
Try this e-mail address first.

You can also call me at 508-five eight seven-5675. It's best to leave a message on VoiceMail

I do have a cell phone (508-six three one-0910) but I don't know how to use it. My neighbor's kid (9 years old) knows how to use it, and someday she will show me how, but my cell phone is pretty much useless!

If all else fails, try picture

Updated - February 15, 2005 (More or less unchanged, July 2009)

My promotional material is included here (click)
